Tuesday, May 6, 2008

London Calling!

Hey All!!

Well I have made it to the UK safe and well!

Had a great flight with JAL - would reccomend them all the way!! Great food, great service and beer! A really big thanks needs to go to Mon from QANTAS who bumped us up to have three seats the whole way here!! Goes to show being nice and smilimg does pay off.

Stayed the night in Narita and had a great sushi meal. Todays flight was a long haul one - well the longest I have done - 12 hours. We flew with the sun - I left Japan at 12 midday and arrived here at 15:30. One of the best parts of the flight was flying over Siberia and Russia - it was an exhilirating feeling to see the world from 12km - amazing landscape. It was also great flying over Europe proper - I never realised what the geogrpahy was like!

Landing in the UK was awesome - there was not a cloud in the sky - we could see a patchwork of fields as far as the eye could see. The funny thing was we had to circle for about 15 minute - in that time we actually flew from one side of the country to the other twice! Some of the fields were bright yellow - I assume they were canola crops - got some video of it which I will post - when I can get a cord for my camera - unfortunately, in the rush to pack, i forgot the cord.

One thing I regret was leaving the packing till 9pm the night before!! Will I ever learn.

In shorts and shirts at the moment - heading to the pub for a trivia night with the girls we are staying with - should be a lark (damn, UK speak slipping in already! :)

Anyway, will update when I have a few more things to say....

Cheers and beers - Matt!

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